
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this site and thank you for reading this page about me-time. I love to share tips about me-time so that others can also experience how it is? You can share it with your friends, family and colleagues who want to learn about me-time?
To me it all started by working too hard and not really taking time for myself.  I block time for myself once a month. How do you do this? What are you’re me-time moments? One page is in English with interviews of beautiful people who enjoy, me- time and share. I  asked them four questions.
Joyousness me time
Me time is: Taking care of yourself because you are important.
Verginia Spier

Siri moment to remind me to follow 5 minutes

Stella Loy

I love my deepl translator so that I can share my ME-Time moment with you.

Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life. I would like to introduce Stella Loy and I asked her four questions about me-time.

Please introducé yourself. Who are you?

My name is Stella, born and raised in Amsterdam Osdorp, married to my soulmate Bryan and mother of two daughters. The best gift I received from home is a morning routine. 

For years I thought that all children had a nice start of the day just like us; breakfast, shower, a few tasks and then off to school, hopping. Of course there have been periods when I was not a fan of routines, but since 2016 I have a morning routine that works for me with the result that my days are so much happier and productive.

What do I do(work)

I have been working in the field of health and wellness since 2012.  As a Brain Health Trainer and Neuroencoding Specialist I show why it is that we all feel and act in a certain way but also how you can change this. So if you feed your brain with negativity or a deficit mentality, your physical body will also start to show side effects – just like it is fighting with an internal disease.
The cool thing is that science proves that the human body increases in strength, energy, vitality and immunity when you feed your mind with positivity and optimism.

My desire with taking me-time is relaxing, working with my husband, spending free time by hiking, biking, exercising, eating, teaching in short living.

Your top three for me-time are:

My Miracle Morning Routine S.A.V.E.R.S. which stands for Silence, Affirmations, Visualizations , Exercise, Reading, Scribing. 

Siri moment to remind me to follow 5 minutes – Pause Breathe and Reflect on breath exercise 😉 

Spending time with family and friends

Have a GREAT day today

Thank you Stella for sharing me-time.

Joyousness me-time

Taking care of yourself

Because you are important

Verginia Spier

To spent more time in mountain and be in the silence.

Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life. I would like to introduce Karolina Filosek and I asked her four questions about me-time.

Please introducé yourself. Who are you?

Hi I am Karolina. Who am I? This is the hardest question to answer in whole my life. I am woman with inner desire to change and ispire other woman. In this journey I am also mum of 3 boys , happly married to man who I met decade ago.

I am beautiful soul who went through so many experience to be here today and be able to help others. This rises my heart  every day.

What kind of work?

I do coaching. In my work I focus on expats and woman who are willing to boost their life by changing career, finding their life purpose or just to finaly talk from deep of their soul and heart.

I love working with people. They make me courious. “What is your story?” This is my main motto in my coaching work.

Which desire do you have for more me-time?

I love nature. My ME TIME desire is to spent more time in mountain and be in the silence.

I have been dreaming about cermaic course as well. This would be my top ME TIME for the next year. Being close to earth by creating something from nothing is beautiful. I feel it would connect me with my inner woman even stronger.

What are your top 3 for taking me-time?

I also love having massage. This is my latest discovery, I try to have it every month now. Body mind balance is very important for me.

Reading inspiring books. In my dream house I will have seperate room for libary ?

Being in circle of other woman. The woman energy inspire me and boost my life flow.

If you are looking for a conversation after reading this drop me an email on will2flow@gmail.com or just check my website www.will2flow.net

Thank you ?

Thank you Karolina for sharing me-time.

Joyousness me-time

Taking care of yourself

Because you are important

Verginia Spier

Me-time is so very precious

A. Gelebart portrait

Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life. I would like to introduce Anne Gelebartand I asked her four questions about me-time.

Please introducé yourself. Who are you?

My name is Anne, I’m French and was born in Orleans (100km in the South of Paris). I wanted to be a doctor and I ended up studying business administration to support my dream to live abroad. My journey started in Madrid in 2006; I then moved to London to finish my studies and decided to settle there to work for multinationals in Supply Chain management. In 2014, I moved to the Netherlands. That’s when I realised I was missing something in my life: having true and in depth conversation with people.  I chose to change my career path. I currently live in Amsterdam with my partner and our 2 boys.

What kind of work? I am now a Life and Career Coach and a Pilates instructor. I support internationals who are driven to achieve their professional goals whilst keeping their personal balance. My approach is holistic, I believe the body has wisdom and so I incorporate embodiment in my coaching. I also lead retreats where I bring coaching, mindfulness, dance and Pilates together to allow people to integrate their body and their mind and unleash their potential.

Which desire do you have for more me-time?  

Me-time is so very precious and being a mum and an entrepreneur I make it an everyday ‘duty’ to have me-time. I believe that with me-time I am a better mum as I set an example to my children that they have to cherish their own time. It also allows me to get some head space which helps me to be more creative in my job and give the best to my clients.

What are your top 3 for taking me-time?

  1. Doing my Pilates workout to get centered and release all kinds of body tensions
  2. Doing my body scan in my bed in the mornings to bring awareness to what is going on
  3. Going to my improv class on Monday nights to start the week on a high and let my creativity express itself

I love meeting new people so connect with me on LinkedIn or contact me via my website ?

http://www.angelcoachinginternational.com         https://www.linkedin.com/in/annegelebart

Thank you Anne for sharing me-time

Joyousness me-time

take care of your self. you are important

Verginia Spier

Now, my me-time desire has been longing for the joy


Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life. I would like to introduce Naomi Pudney and I asked her four questions about me-time.

Please introduce yourself. Who are you?

I’m an Australian, with a mixture of Portuguese, Lebanese, Irish and English blood. The daughter of two extraordinary humans and sister to 5 entertaining siblings. I’ve lived across Europe, Singapore, USA, Vietnam and my hometown of Melbourne. A love of travel has influenced a sense of adventure and my eclectic style.

What kind of work?

I’ve had an extremely satisfying work history on major projects. Document controller on 200+Million dollar prison constructions; IT senior Program Coordinator in Utilities, Papal events, Boarder security and amalgamation of services across 3 major Melbourne hospitals. I love delivery and the satisfaction of bringing so many moving parts together.

Which desire do you have for more me-time?

Currently working from home and during COVID-19 lockdown in Melbourne me-time has come to mean something quite different. Months ago, I would have said time to meander down the alleyways searching for art, stopping at a café for the soul rejuvenating coffee or a run on the beach. Now, my me-time desire has been longing for the joy of seeing my family, friends and their children who are growing up so fast.

What are your top 3 for taking me-time?

I’ve learnt to take those “I must call …..” moments from thought to action, squashing the “I’ll call when I have time” excuse, nourishing my sense of connection and genuine warmth.

Reading some influential and diverse biographies have given me a feeling of flight, getting out of my own head and inspiring me towards growth.

Leaning into laughter and saying yes has led me down some amazing paths. Finding random events, playing foosball, a small gallery opening – not always being career focused. Now in COVID lockdown, it is randomly opening a bottle of wine, using this time to genuinely connect with my partner and reminding each other how good it is to laugh.

Thank you Naomi for sharing me-time.

Joyousness me-time

Zorg goed voor jezelf. Jij bent belangrijk.

Verginia Spier

so I can feel the energy of the ocean every day


Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life. I would like to introduce Juliana Carneiro and I asked her four questions about me-time.

Please introducé yourself. Who are you?

I am Juliana, I was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil and moved to the Netherlands almost 20 years ago. I live now in Zaandam with my daughter and my mom.

What kind of work?

I am a Corporate Executive Assistant and an wanna be entrepreneur, as I also have my Virtual Assistant business.

Which desire do you have for more me-time?

I one day will have a house near the beach so I can feel the energy of the ocean every day, not only during the holiday season.

What are your top 3 for taking me-time?

I work out 3 times a week – that is my favorite.

Netflix when the kids are at their dad’s – after coming home exhausted from The gymAnd the 1h in the morning when everyone is still sleeping.

I wake up and stay quiet in my bed enjoying the silence.

Thank you Juliana for talking about me-time

Joyousness me-time

is taking care of yourself because you are important.

Verginia Spier

For me, me-time is absolutely necessary

Klarrisa Frank

Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life. I would like to introduce Klarrisa Frank and I asked her four questions about me-time.

Please introducé yourself. Who are you?My name is Klarrisa Frank. I’m originally from the US – I grew up in California before moving to Seattle for university. I lived in Seattle for 9 years studying and working in a logistics company. In 2014, I decided to leave my life in Seattle behind to travel the world. I traveled for almost 3 years solo all around Europe, Asia, and Central America. Along the way, I met my partner from Barcelona and we’ve settled in Amsterdam and decided to call it home. Amsterdam has the same weather and international culture as Seattle so I felt right at home immediately.

I identify as a mixed-race woman. I’m half first generation Chinese (my mom was an immigrant to the US) and half white – a mixture of mostly Volga River German and other European roots. Being mixed is a huge part of my story and it’s what makes me passionate about my work.

What kind of work?I work as a coach for mixed-race women. I connect them to their impact and passions. We get really clear on what thoughts and beliefs about their identity have been holding them back from creating the impact-driven life of their dreams and then I support them with tools and resources to continue their journey.
My clients include women who identify as mixed-race, mixed-heritage, multiracial, multi-ethnic, biracial, multi-national, and third culture kids (TCK).

Which desire do you have for more me-time? For me, me-time is absolutely necessary in order to give my best to my clients and business. Besides sessions with clients, I’m constantly creating content and that takes a lot of my energy. Me-time is essential for recharging and finding inspiration to keep creating and moving forward.

What are your top 3 for taking me-time? My top 3 me-time activities would be:
1. Cooking – I LOVE trying out new recipes and experimenting. It’s a different kind of creativity than making a painting or sculpting and it gives me so much joy and peace. And if I’m not cooking, you’ll find me watching Instagram cooking posts or cooking shows.

2. Journaling – I journal every morning. I started after reading the book “The Artist’s Way”. In there Julia Cameron advocates for doing Morning Pages (which you can do at any time in the day), but the idea is to just free flow whatever is in your head onto paper for 3 pages. I find this super helpful for dumping all my limiting beliefs down on paper and out of my head. I also write about my dreams and goals for the day and that helps me see what’s possible for my day ahead.

3. Bike rides by the water – I live close to Sloterplas in Amsterdam West and whenever I’m feeling stressed or need a break, a quick bike ride around the lake or even just a walk by the water helps clear my mind. I’m such a water person. It’s probably from my childhood in California growing up 15 minutes from the beach.

Thank you Klarrisa for sharing me-time

Joyousness me-time


Taking care of yourself because you are important.

Verginia Spier

make your happiness a priority.

Nikitha Sharma

Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life. I would like to introduce Nikitha Sharma and I asked her four questions about me-time.

Please introduce yourself. Who are you?

I am Nikitha Sharma and I am from India, currently I live in the Netherlands. I work for one the best multinational companies as a business analyst. I strongly believe in the principle trusting yourself and the rest will fall in place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish. I am a dreamer and in constant pursuit to make them come true.

What kind of work?

I am an enthusiastic individual with diverse experience across operations, transition, process excellence and project management spanning 6+ years, who is always keen to learn and improve.

As part of my 6 + years of journey, I have done a variety of roles – processing, training, SME, documentation and most importantly, automation solutions as a part of the performance excellence group. My passion is to find new ways for making things better – both professionally and personally.

Which desire do you have for more me-time?

In my opinion taking a break from monotonous life is not me-time as it gives temporary happiness rather I prefer doing something for myself as a part of daily life that defines me-time.

My wish for me-time is to add a dedicated slot for myself of at least 30 mins in my daily routine .I firmly believe that “It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary,” but in our routine life, consistently allocating time to yourself can be difficult, especially when you’ve got a lot of chores, relationships, and habits. Having said that it’s important to set the time (me time) for ourselves.

In my opinion investing time wisely, which helps me to reduce my stress and also gives me a positive energy, hence I would like to pursue my interests in learning guitar, joining dance class, find new friends, learn about new trends & technologies, new culture etc. which adds meaning to my time.

What are your top 3 for taking me-time?

Blast my Favourite Music and dance sometimesJ

I treat myself with monthly spa and pizza parties

Sometimes I go for evening walks.

thank you so much Nikitha for sharing me-time

Joyousness me-time

Take good care of yourself, because you are important.

Verginia Spier

My desire for me-time is a break from routine

Shea Harty

Shea Harty Joyousness me-time interview 2018

Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life. I would like to introduce Shea Harty 

and I asked her three questions about me-time.

Thanks for asking me to participate in your blog. Here are my answers to your questions.

Please introducé yourself. Who are you?

My name is Shea Harty. I am from New York. I live in Amsterdam with my husband and our four kids. I am a positive person and a strong believer that thoughts become things.

What kind of work?

I am Managing Director of Empower Amsterdam. We help unemployed people who do not speak Dutch with free coaching and workshops that get help them get back to work and out of that stuck feeling.

I have a consultancy, The ArchiTECHts, where I help small & medium companies create a work culture of inclusion & belonging so employees feel more connected to the company and feel more invested in their companies success. I am aiming to make Mondays one of the best days of the week.

I also provide personal brand coaching, The What If Project, for women who want to be more visible at work and ambitious with their career even if they want to leave corporate and start their own business.

Which desire do you have for more me-time?

My desire for me-time is a break from routine. A spa treatment in the middle of a busy work week. An unexpected coffee date with an old friend. An unexpected day where everyone is out of the house and I have the couch and the TV all to myself! ?

What are your top 3 for taking me-time?

1- Manage your thoughts no matter what craziness is going on in your day or your week

2- Go with the flow. If meetings get canceled then it probably a good thing, to give you more time for yourself

3- Exercise. Even a walk is enough to get some fresh air and shake things up physically and mentally

Stay curious,

Shea Harty

I do not intend to tiptoe through life to arrive safely at death…

Thank you Shea for sharing me-time and also the tips.
Joyousness me-time
me-time is taking time for yourself. You are important
Verginia Spier 


So I would like me-time to get my identity back.

Loraine Branch Joyousness me-time

Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life, I would like to introduce you to Loraine Branch and  I asked her three questions about me time.

Who am I? (Private)

I am an English women from the East End of London who has been living in the Netherlands for 16 years and I am married to a Dutchman and have a daughter

What do I do (work)

I am currently not working however I keep myself busy doing volunteer Career / Life Coaching for a charity called Empower Amsterdam. My role as the coach / trainer is to empower my clients to move from where they are now to where they want to be by creating awareness and responsibility within them to find their own answers. I will be there to help facilitate and support this change.

I feel that it is my role in life to help facilitate this through the coaching, mentoring and training I provide.

My wish to take me-time is ………

My wish for more me time would be that my husband was home more in the week so that I could go out and catch up with Friends

Since being out of work I feel I have lost my own identity as a woman as I feel I am seen now as  a mum and not a professional woman.  So I would like me-time to get my identity back.

Your top three for me-time are:

I love watching sports on TV

I love to coach and play Korfball

I spend time developing myself both mentally and spiritually

Thank you Loraine for sharing me-time

Joyousness me time

Me-time is tijd nemen voor jezelf. Jij bent belangrijk

Verginia Spier


I have virtually no ‘me’ time.

joyousness me time Rina

Talking about beautiful people you meet in life. I want to introduce to you Rina Goldenberg Lynch. I asked her three questions about me-time.

Who am I: I’m an American woman living in London. Married with 2 children – boy and girl – and an Irish husband. We are truly an international family, living in what I consider to be a city of the world.

What do I do (work)

Having been a lawyer in my previous life I now run my own business.’it is a strategy consultancy with a focus on inclusion and gender diversity. I woke primarily with businesses, helping them transform teams and leaders to be more inclusive .  I also work with professional women, supporting them throughout their career progression so that they can have successful sustainable careers in which they can be true to who hey really are.

By working on empowering women and changing corporate culture I hope to creat the magic combination of success on a win-win basis.https://www.voiceatthetable.com

My wish to take me-time is .... I have virtually no ‘me’ time. My business and family come first and then it’s me. I try very hard to ensure I have a bit of me time always but also always feel there’s not enough of it.

Your top three for me-time are:

I play tennis

I watch my shows or films

I spend time with my girl friends.
Thank you Rina for sharing you me-time
Joyousness me time

Me-time is: it’s time for you. You are important

Verginia Spier

Joyousness Me Time