Autumn to show its true colors………
Nature is changing, you can see it in the trees. The colors yellow, orange, brown, green. Sometimes you only see an empty branch. Oh how I love this season. It’s the smell of hot chocolate with cream at Starbucks or walking in the rain and breathing the fresh air after a good storm. It is so fascinating to watch the leaves fall, blow, dance and swirl with the wind against the blue skies in September, October.
In September I started looking in the woods for mushrooms, but I haven’t found the red one yet. I have only be able to find a few old and shriveled one s that were to embarreassed to put on Instagram. I still keep looking for the old fashion ones and it keeps me motivated.
My little garden is also changing. In the spring my tulips, crocuses were beautiful to see and my hyacinths were growing vibrant in the summer and now they have in autumn dark colors. They are still beautiful I still enjoy it. Some plants stay whole year in color. The front garden I planted with violet, when I walk out my door I take a look at my garden every day its an other perspective but still enjoy the colors purple, yellow.
Nature calms me it gives me a sense of rest immediately. You could imagine that a tree thinks “ look at me in spring, summer, autumn, winter I am always beautiful” Is it nature I am thinking or is it my own thoughts.
Smile,. Autumn is coming so get outside and enjoy the little things in nature.
Joyousness me-time
Me-time is taking time for yourself. You are in important.
Verginia Spier
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Labels:autumn, calms, leaves, Me-time, nature, october, wood