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My desire for me-time is a break from routine



Shea Harty

Shea Harty Joyousness me-time interview 2018


Talking about beautiful people you meet in your life. I would like to introduce Shea Harty 

and I asked her three questions about me-time.


Thanks for asking me to participate in your blog. Here are my answers to your questions.


Please introducé yourself. Who are you?

My name is Shea Harty. I am from New York. I live in Amsterdam with my husband and our four kids. I am a positive person and a strong believer that thoughts become things.


What kind of work?

I am Managing Director of Empower Amsterdam. We help unemployed people who do not speak Dutch with free coaching and workshops that get help them get back to work and out of that stuck feeling.

I have a consultancy, The ArchiTECHts, where I help small & medium companies create a work culture of inclusion & belonging so employees feel more connected to the company and feel more invested in their companies success. I am aiming to make Mondays one of the best days of the week.

I also provide personal brand coaching, The What If Project, for women who want to be more visible at work and ambitious with their career even if they want to leave corporate and start their own business.


Which desire do you have for more me-time?

My desire for me-time is a break from routine. A spa treatment in the middle of a busy work week. An unexpected coffee date with an old friend. An unexpected day where everyone is out of the house and I have the couch and the TV all to myself! ?


What are your top 3 for taking me-time?

1- Manage your thoughts no matter what craziness is going on in your day or your week

2- Go with the flow. If meetings get canceled then it probably a good thing, to give you more time for yourself

3- Exercise. Even a walk is enough to get some fresh air and shake things up physically and mentally

Stay curious,


Shea Harty


I do not intend to tiptoe through life to arrive safely at death…



Thank you Shea for sharing me-time and also the tips.


Joyousness me-time
me-time is taking time for yourself. You are important


Verginia Spier 


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Joyousness Me Time